Expenses Categories

Vantage Point Procurement service can cover a wide range of commonly used business expenses such as:

Office Supplies

office suppliesOffice Supplies can cover a wide range of products such as Paper, Printer Toners, Computer Consumables, Canteen products as well as general stationery. The number of products purchased can often be in the many hundreds if not thousands and so a detailed review of this area can be very time consuming.

Vantage Point Procurement can take on this workload to not only identify significant cost savings but to save your staff the time and effort.

As part of a review Vantage Point Procurement will also identify other cost saving opportunities efficiency improvements through single supplier arrangements, reducing back orders, online ordering, next day deliveries, account management and reporting.

Why not let Vantage Point Procurement free up your time to work on what’s critical to your your business whilst we identify your best options in purchasing Office Supplies.


electricityThe Australian energy market is complex and finding the best deal can be hard work. At Vantage Point Procurement we make it simple and in the process save you precious time and costs.

Our partnership with independent energy experts means we can tap into comprehensive energy buying and management services.

We can ensure you secure the best energy deal from the market and introduce management services to help manage your energy spending for the duration of your contract.

Electricity prices are determined by supply and demand signals and prices are extremely volatile, so it’s important to keep on top of your exposure and have available to you access to a deep understanding of the electricity market.

We suggest to all our clients that a review should be completed many months before a due date to maximize the options of future price contracts. Contact Vantage Point Procurement today to discuss your options even if your contract is not due for 12 months or more.


couriersWhen it comes to couriers, cost or price often becomes secondary to service. This is understandable since there is no point having a cheap service if the courier literally can’t deliver the goods!

However, at Vantage Point Procurement we believe you can have the best of both worlds. When we benchmark courier costs we compare against couriers that specialize in high quality service i.e. fast, convenient shipping together with good old fashioned service.

With highly competitive rates available to Vantage point Procurement clients for Local, interstate and international deliveries we often see opportunities for significant savings without compromising service standards.


printingThe quality of a printed product is paramount for all companies whether it’s marketing material or stationery and every company’s print requirements are unique. However that doesn’t mean externally printed products have to be expensive!

When we review print we identify where cost savings are achievable but also look at whether a better print solution is available whilst maintaining or often improving the quality of service and product.

We consider single supplier solutions, digital vs offset options, on-line ordering and a supplier’s capability in providing creative and marketing services.

Records Management

recordsWith Records Management, like other categories of expense, Vantage Point Procurement seeks the best rates for our clients but also look for a service which will at least match or often improve upon the current service a client uses.

Records Management businesses need not provide archive storage facilities, but also provide services like scanning and integrating documents in files for accessible web viewing.

Often we find that clients accept poor levels of service because it seems too hard and costly to change arrangements. There are good quality providers of Records Management services in Australia. Let Vantage Point Procurement identify them and show how to access their service without prohibitive moving costs.


telecomsCommunications (fixed lines, data lines, mobile phones etc) are often a company’s largest indirect expense after salaries and real estate cost. Failing to manage these can result in overcharging which often goes unnoticed.

Vantage Point Procurement partners with experienced independent professionals to to identify where you are paying too much for your corporate communications and help you manage your communications to ensure their benefits are maximized.

Coffee Machines

coffeeLife is too short for a bad coffee! Besides how much time do your staff spend out of the office for the sake of a decent cup of coffeee? Let us show you how to get great tasting coffee in your office which will keep you and your staff happy!

Energy Efficient Lighting

energy efficientIn addition to electricity reviews and obtaining the most competitive rates we can help you reduce electricity consumption with a review of the electricity costs associated with lighting.

In most offices 25% of electricity costs are associated with lighting.

Vantage Point Procurement can identify opportunities to adopt energy efficient lighting which will reduce electricity consumption by up 50% with low install costs to ensure a return on investment period of weeks not years.